Hypothetically, let's just assume that the accused didn't actually make a conscious decision to abuse anyone. For a second let's pretend that they actually advocate for women. I would imagine, the first thing you would do is feel deeply sorry for unintentionally causing someone
trauma and pain. First you would take accountability for your actions, apologize to the survivor for not knowing or doing better and offer them any help that you can give (I.e paying for therapy). Next, you would make a statement and take accountability in public.
Ensure everyone that you are not a threat to society, that you will make an effort to learn about consent and do so. Then, each person would individually take their own time to forgive and trust you. The point is, you did better.
The problem with you lot is you don't understand self reflection and growth. You don't see how disappointing it is that your FIRST thought is to deny, gaslight, absolve yourself of accountability and even worse, use your connections to intimidate the survivors.
This definitely goes without saying that you don't give a damn about women's humanity, you only care about your nonexistent reputation. Your advocacy is performative and surface level. You're a disgrace.
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