After 9/11, New York City had an intense pride about the comeback-

This was our home, they came after all of us, and we were all in it together here. We didn’t need slogans to remind us of that.

Nobody I knew even talked about leaving. Not one family.

Now, it’s so different-
Every day now, I talk to another lifelong New Yorker who has had it. They see bad old days of the 1970s-early 1990s coming back, and they have no interest in sticking around for it again.

And it’s getting really difficult to make the counterargument for any major US city now
NYC has always had its challenges. Crowded, ultra expensive, constant grind to keep your rent paid and get where you need to be on time.

But it also had greatest concentration of restaurants, cultural events, etc and a frenetic energy.
NYC was like a character in our lives
Also used to have the global pinnacle of the finance, media, advertising, and other industries here, so even if you didn’t love the lifestyle, the opportunities made people stay. And for family life, you could retreat to the (also too pricey) suburbs

But now, it’s changing
Everything feels like it is trending against this city. Covid and Democrat policies may have finally ruined this place.

Why fight traffic through the Lincoln tunnel to get to your 40th floor office to sit in a cubicle for 12 hours when you can be just as productive at home?
Some of these changes have been coming for a long time, but covid has accelerated them.

And then there’s the anti-cop insanity, courtesy of deblasio and the Democrat party. Lots of people will die and lives will be ruined because of it.

How bad will it get?
By way of anecdote, I’ve been out until all hours countless times in this city, worked for NYPD intel at one point (terrorism cases)- and I just saw a guy on my block shooting up heroin in broad daylight on the corner, no shirt or shoes on, pants pulled down almost to his knees
How could I expect NYPD to do anything about it? If the junkie resists and becomes violent, and someone captures the exchange on video, de Blasio and the feckless, reckless Democrats nationwide will side with the criminal. We all know that.

Left wing politics ruined this city
People I know are leaving. I have one family member already moving to Texas, and other family members constantly talking to me about where else to go- Florida, TN, South Carolina, Texas all very frequently come up

How can I tell them to stay?
I’ll likely stick around for the collapse of Gotham, doing what I can to advocate for the rise of a Giuliani like figure to come back and clean this mess up.

But the suffering that’s going to occur, lives altered forever and ruined, will be immense

And Democrats did it all
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