You dont have to answer police questions but you do have to show license, registration and proof of insurance
You cannot be legally arrested for refusing to identify yourself unless charged with loitering or prowling (so asked if youre being charged with anything before identifying)
You can legally deny search of person, car, or home. If they say they have a warrant ask to see it. DO NOT PHYSICALLY RESIST
If youre wrongfully detained, do not resist. If they are obstructing the law,ask to see a badge number and name then report them later.
If an officer begins frisking you, say “i do not consent to this search” and if they continue they are obstructing the law.
State “i want to remain silent” initially when being question.
If an officer believes you contain evidence of a crime in your car he/she has the right to search without a warrant, HOWEVER state you do not consent the search then report later once no evidence is found.
Article 15 - principle of transparency in police activity
Police shall provide public information about their activity to state bodies, civic organizations, and interested persons, as determined by legislation of Georgia
Article 12 - principle of proportionality
Measure shall be deemed necessary if it is impossible to use other means that would cause less damage to recipient(s) while achieving legitimate objective
- damage inflicted shall be deemed proportional to good protected by law
An officer may frisk you if they gave REASONABLE grounds to believe that a person is carrying a restricted item. Always question their grounds
Article 31 - Right to use coercive measures.
An officer by law has to give warning before using coersive measures unless its deemed impossible in hostile situation
a police officer may not use means that can cause severe injury to a person, may pose unjustifiable risk or are prohibited by the legislation of Georgia
Police officers cannot use physical force or firearms on pregnant women, minors, disabled or elderly unless said person is armed or poses a threat
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