1) I got interested in the idea of the possibility that the Mayan Calendar was 100% accurate and I FEEL that truth.
As William Tompkins stated in his book the ET's told us "Every book on Earth is MISINFORMATION." Think about that. The Anshar told Corey Goode the same thing.
2) Here's the secret of [their] black magic of deception. Everything media on Earth (TV, Newspapers, etc.) has an element of the Parasites within. Publishers of media all over the planet have been infiltrated and/or paid off. Operation Mockingbird!
[Their] "magick" ability of..
3)..deception is aid well in "The Usual Suspects" right at the end. Kevin "Pedo" Spacey's character states "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
This is mind control at its finest! On the one hand, the cabal wants you to "think"..
4)..the devil/satan/lucifer exists as some kind of evil deity like figure. TOTAL BULLSHIT! Those characters are ILLUSIONS created by We The People from the LIES we've been told by the PARASITES!
Hell, Devil, Satan, etc. is NOTHING MORE than a state of mind! YOU can manifest it!
5) If you beLIEve it strongly enough especially with many others it can be MANIFESTED into our reality.
Stay positive and don't ALLOW the darkness to infiltrate your energy field.

Calendar? What's the deal? It seems the Parasites may have hidden the dates of the Mayan Calendar.
6) How could [they] POSSIBLY make that happen you may ask? Simple. [They] control ALL INFORMATION that doesn't come to us from our Galactic Family. And [they] attempt to keep that from happening as well.
Changing history in our books is child's play in its simplicity.
7) How? Just reprint the book every couple of years and CHANGE/ADD the things to fit your agenda. Does that sound difficult to achieve when you control ALL INFORMATION? And the KNOWLEDGE of true reality, metaphysics, and who/what humans REALLY are as well as where we're going!
8) This makes sense in that the Earth's cycle was 360 days around the Sun. A cataclysm nearly destroyed Earth and knocked us further out to the 365 1/4 days it now takes Gaia to complete a rotation cycle around the Sun.
The idea here, and it has some legs, is that since that..
9)..near planetary annihilation, those extra days have NOT been accounted for in current space/time tracking by our civilization.
It appears that the calendar we live by today is grossly inaccurate. The missing days add up to about 8 years. And that timeframe, would make..
10)..the current year actually 2012, just as the Mayan Calendar said. And before you question the Mayans know this: They disappeared as a civilization. This is well known. But the reason WHY is not well known, until now!
The Mayans Ascended to 5D as a civilization...TOGETHER!
11) The Lemurian Civilization is already in 5D New Earth waiting to RECONNECT WITH WE THE FAMILY!
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! get together with family/friends and watch "The Celestine Prophecy!" If you're consciousness is ready? IT WILL OPEN THE CREATION UP TO YOU!!!
12) On the math side of this, there has been about 8 years of the calendar muffled, hidden, or just "written out" of history. So EASY to do this type action when you're in FULL CONTROL over "the people" with Dark Technologies.

I'm leaning towards the possibility that 2020..
13)..is likely 2012 of the Mayan Calendar and the Winter Solstice will bring the SHIFT! Many flares etc. will rain upon Earth PRIOR to the "Final Shot!" sending our collective planetary consciousness into DEEP SPACE!!!
13th Bloodline, Merovingian, the most HIDDEN OF ALL! Why?💥🚀
14) No matter your religious beliefs, what color your skin may be, or even how much resources you have means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

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