anyway if you follow @scenefai and/or @theloudvoicemr then pls hardblock me :) bc apparently i say, "im asian" for no reason (when they called me racist for saying chingchong) and i even showed them pictures of me with my NATURAL BLACK HAIR bc east & eastsouthern asians
typically are the only people w/ naturally black hair. @theloudvoicemr also said "ching chong" when mocking me?? so i hope hes asian. @scenefai went on to say "asian or not, ur racist and ur mad i caught u" as if i didnt willingly just post that tweet...???
in the first pic, i qrted an image that had chinese text and thats when i made the joke lmfao to me thats funny, to other asians, that might be funny too, but racist jokes about myself or about my own identity is what i think is funny for me. i dont make those jokes for anyone
else. theyre dark humor jokes that are racist bc it applies to me and my own self, nobody else. i dont make any racist joke towards any poc or any asian (unless we are friends and thats just how we joke and relate with each other bc thats the only thing thats acceptable to me)
@scenefai said, "dark humor jokes are supposed to be funny :/" bitch its fucking dark humor, not a lot of bitches like dark humor or dont see it as funny. maybe youre one of those bitches but im not, it was funny to me bc it was for and about me and i could care less if it was
funny for you or not. but saying shit like, "oh theyll come at you and randomly say theyre asian" is bs and defamation of character bc it seems like im only usinf my race to protect myself. what the fuck is my race gonna do in an argument about lgbt topics? im not that fucking
stupid like you?? who still believes im racist despite me being on my own pfp and me showing you me when i was more natural?? im not going to prove my own identity or expose my family members or show you any of our immigration and citizenship documents just to prove that im who
what i say i am. i have irl friends who know who i am, and they never even saw me as white passing or anything. (theres also just a huge asian community where i live so its more common for us to be friends)
to completely invalidate my identity and to defaminate my own image is disgusting on your part. you can hate me for not agreeing with you on lgbt topics, but dont fucking call me racist for standing up for myself or making jokes about myself.
same applies to transphobic. im not transphobic for wanting my identity is no longer be invalidated by others like hesbians. im not telling them that they cant trans or that they cant love woman and/or other trans people, but the way they label themselves is wrong, and their
arguments arent very strong either. pronouns will always equal gender. you cant be non-binary AND binary, (ex: lesbian is binary), calling yourself a nonbinary boy/girl is incorrect bc boy and girl are both binary. you can be fem aligned or masc aligned if thats what you mean
by enby boy/girl, but you will never be a boy/girl if youre enby. it doesnt work like that. the whole point of being nonbinary is that youre out of the binary. putting binary labels on yourself like lesbian or boy/girl is invalidating yourself and makes the community
look bad in general (then it allows transphobes to use your thinking to be transphobic towards any other trans person) im not sorry if i brought the hesbian topic into this and i went off track but its true.
masc aligned or fem aligned enbies will continue to be enbies even if they are aligned with masc/fem, they still cant be put into the binary bc its invalidating.
and yes, im very grateful with people who have been respectful during the convos bc theres a few select of them, but it still doesnt change my view on them.
sorry for digressing but heres what i want to say; im not racist for making a joke about myself or saying racially known bad words that applies to myself. if thats the case then go and tell black people they cant say the n word or say or make jokes about themselves
im not transphobic for wanting my own community to be not seen as a joke and let actual transphobes come and harm us bc some other enbies used a label thats not for us. im also not transphobic for wanting my own community to stop invalidating other lgbt communities.
but take what you will and go with it, im done talking about race bc i know who i am and my friends know who i am. its just ridiculous to try and prove my own race despite there being proof given to you. i know myself, and i wouldnt say anything racist towards any other poc.
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