Whew, being fans of male creators continues to be exhausting, and this one hurts a whole lot. 🙃

Lads just stop using your positions to chat up underage girls, it isn't hard to not be a scumbag.
I know my tweets have been really angry recently, that's not usually the sort of space I like to curate. But everything that's coming out of the woodwork makes me so deeply angry, because I can empathize with these women.

Men - hold your fellows accountable.
Don't keep abuse talks to insular circles. If a loss of followers or connections stops you from speaking out or giving names, please examine why that's your foremost concern. Surely the autonomy and protection of women should be prioritized, no?
If you've been abused at the hands of a man, you're not alone. There are so many people who will stand by you, listen to your story, and believe you. Things will change. 💖
If you're reading this thread and have a kneejerk reaction to the collective 'Male creators' or 'men' I urge you to read the threads and tweets of women who are speaking up about their experiences.
You can follow @Selendri.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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