all this talk of notable dudes in various industries using their clout and access to money and career opportunities to be a dick or straight up victimize people is making me think that the economic structure itself might be an issue. who can say, just spitballing here
go through all these stories and count how many times the thing that trapped folks with abusive people, empowered said abusive people, and/or kept those receiving the abuse from speaking out was a job, a need for a job, a need to keep a job, fear of losing future jobs, etc
when workers are dependent upon a small number of people for their paychecks and opportunities and then have little to no power in their workplaces and working relationships you're going to just have this go on forever
i remember bringing this up once and someone saying "of course you would bring this back to capitalism" and it's like yeah there are reasons to be critical and the exploitation and abuse of others, especially marginalized people, is kind of a big one
i just want the people who have to put up with this shit to have the power to fight back and have that be normalized and expected and supported not just by nice people all coming together after the fact but by the structures themselves
i don't think you can only wait until every dude has learned how to Do Better or you've somehow weeded out every bad egg. i think not having them be a factor in your access to rent money would go a long way to taking away their power, and freeing people. also fuck rent but whatev
yes, weeding out bad eggs, that common and coherent saying,
thanks folks that was my thread, about this. i'm done now.
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