Rant thread.

Last week, flying beast made a claim that @CaptShaktiLumba has great connects in DGCA & RedKnight was using him to influence the probe. A lot of you may not know Capt. Lumba, but allow me to tell you a bit about him 20yrs ago, as ED in Alliance one of the a/c (1/n)
had squawked 7500 & was sent to a remote bay, this was just after Kandahar, it was past 8pm & summer. Capt Lumba walked to the hangar and came out and sat in the waiting Omni & asked to be taken to the aircraft. As he got off, he took off his shirt ... much to everyone’s (2/n)
surprise. He said, he’d rather die by jumping on the aircrafts gear and break the gear and not allow the a/c to take off from Delhi than pussy foot. He made it clear, he was on his own and he didn’t have time in case the hijackers moved the aircraft. Luckily it was a false (3/n)
alarm. Everyone went back home happy. But I saw a side that man had higher integrity and morals than anyone on that damn Tarmac that night.

Now for flying beast to go after a man of such standing is despicable to say the least. He’s not your average Joe or yes sir yes sir (4/n)
kind of a man. post his retirement from ifly he would have got a thousand calls to join DGCA in any position he wanted plus the perks of the job. He regularly calls out the DGCA quite publicly when they mess up. Why would @mauppa ask a man who calls out the regulator (5/n)
for help? RedKnight has the backing of India’s largest conglomerate. If they wanted they can reach anywhere with or without Capt. Lumba.

Making such insinuations without proofs except asking for his word to be taken as the gospel of truth reeks of entitlement and playing (6/n)
the persecution card for brownie points on social media. Capt Lumba May not have 3Mn (or whatever that number is) followers, but what he has is integrity and compassion. There are people who look up to him as a role model or an idol; making unsubstantiated claims of (7/n)
impropriety against an individual is not in good taste, nor is it in good standing. You can ask any of the ex-Alliance guys who are today DEs, Chief Pilots, etc. about Capt. Lumbas reputation. It has been spotless. I hope this beast guy apologises and makes good for the (8/n)
misinformation he is spreading about people under the garb of fighting a safety issue. He’s constantly putting himself ahead of the issue he has raised making it about himself than the issue. This is aided by his fan following and advisors who will see him burn at the stake (9/n)
happily and then move on to the next issue-of-the-day. I’m hoping against hope he comes around. But then until he doesn’t set his ego aside he will continue to make more enemies than friends, which is what he needs right now (end of thread)
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