A day for the fathers finally.

In honor of the paternal males on this Father’s Day, let me highlight the detailed differences between these categories of men.👇

Father, Daddy or Zaddy.... which one are you, or which one is your man?

A daddy is a man who takes care of his kids.
They may not even be his biological children.
He shows up. He’s present.
He’s the man who shows his daughter what love looks like and who teaches his son how to be a good man.
Some are stepfathers, adopted fathers etc.
They’re heroes!
A zaddy is a known as a polysaccharide patriarch or glucose guardian.
He’s a benefactor to someone else’s daughter.
He’s a helper to the slay queen who’s trying to live the baby girl life.
Zaddies as far as I know = look good & have money.
To be a father, all you need to do is get someone’s daughter pregnant.
As in, all a father has to do is be a sperm donor.
He doesn’t have to do anything else. If he’s responsible, he may be a daddy. If he has money, he may be a Zaddy.
There’s room for a lot of overlap.
For example, your father can be your mothers zaddy and may or may not be a daddy to you kids.

From this definition a Zaddy can also be a Daddy 🤷‍♀️

Daddy= time, love, commitment, do chores, attend ballet recitals & PTA meetings, good sex with mummy etc.

Zaddy= Good looks + cash.
While Zaddies may give good sex, it’s not a criteria.
It’s a bonus not a necessity.
It’s a skill for Gigolos and maybe Fathers to definitely have.
For a Zaddy, “Good” is extra.
Anyways, a Slay Queen once told me that “Blow jobs taste sweeter when there’s money after.” 🤷‍♀️
Gigolos will install a stripper pole in their living room and give the maltose madam or the fructose female a show.

Zaddies don’t have stripper poles in their houses. They may buy you a new house with a pole though, if that what you want.
Daddy is the one who is paying or going to pay for primary school fees.
Zaddies don’t pay for school for primary school unless it’s the child of the girlfriend.
Some Zaddies may not even pay the fees for their offspring, making them ordinary fathers in that situation.
Since a child is the hallmark of being a father, and sex leads to reproduction; can it be said that the gigolos are the true celebrants of today?🙆🏻‍♀️
Some say half of men’s children aren’t their own but I don’t think a good gigolo will impregnate his customer, risking his business.
The summary of this thread is that in some cases, the real celebrants of today can be found only via DNA OR on the sperm bank register 🙇🏻‍♀️

Happy Father’s Day to the Zaddies, Daddies & Fathers, whichever you may be.
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