We need a website like this in British Columbia to keep track of predatory landlords. Many of these landlords hide the fact they own multiple properties by registering each building under a different co. name with a different 'director' who is someone who works for them. #bcpoli https://twitter.com/elonaltar/status/1274563133269475333
For e.g. : There's a 'landlord' in Lower Mainland called Dino, Dean. Never gives tenants full name (Dinesh Chand). Buys older apt bldgs, renovicts tenants, if he can't he coerces, manipulates, threatens tenants into vacating leases. EVERY building he owns is a different co name.
Nobody's sure where this man Dinesh Chand gets his $$ from to buy all these older apt buildings in Metro Vancouver. There's a theory that he's the henchman who fronts an investment scheme whereby investors put down $, they get tax relief, and $ is kept in offshore tax havens 🤷‍♀️
Dinesh Chand has thus far renovicted two buildings in New Westminster. City became so alarmed they put in by-laws banning renovictions. Chand took them to court claiming City hasn't jurisdiction. City won! Decision came down Feb 11. Chand still didn't stop coercing NW tenants..
Dinesh Chand is currently coercing, manipulating tenants into vacating leases at following #NewWest apt bldgs: 510 and 520 Ninth St., 1117 Hamilton St. These buildings house a total of approx 100+ families. City can't do anything as they can't fine 'landlords' for bad behavour.
And if you are wondering about the BC court case City of #NewWest won protecting renters in the City from renovictions, the Feb 11 decision is here: https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcsc/doc/2020/2020bcsc163/2020bcsc163.html
Needless to say, Dinesh Chand is appealing with the help of @LandLordBC's fancy lawyer Michael Drouillard
cc: @selinarobinson, minister of housing for British Columbia on this thread, since she may not know of this predatory landlord devastating lives of families in Metro Vancouver. We need anonymity of landlords to STOP now. Their names should be visible to ALL. @YVRTenantsUnion
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