I talk about sex and sexuality (and, let’s be honest, get naked) a lot on here because I reject respectability. Respectability politics is polite dehumanization and I do not want those types of people in my space.
I don’t believe in “being classy.” I don’t believe respect of another human’s autonomy and dignity are continent upon what they are wearing, who they are having sex with, or what kinds of consensual sexual relationships they have.
Making your respect of another person contingent on their clothing and sexual partners is colonizer nonsense and I have a zero tolerance policy for colonization. You can — truly — stay all the way mad. I’m here to get free of your pathetic facade of morality.
If you aspire to control other people, or if you hate bodies, or if sex makes you uncomfortable, or if you believe nudity is inherently sexual, go ahead and hit that unfollow button because I don’t like you and your morality is abysmal. ♥️
You can follow @ToriGlass.
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