New Medscpae 2020 report still shows female cardiologists are on average paid 16% less than male cardiologists. Interestingly, this comparison was not available in 2019. Part of it is explained by longer work hours of male cardiologists. 1/5
About 34% of cardiologists are female (base on 2020 survey). Similar numbers were reported last year (~36%) 2/5
What if we adjust for work hours, sub specialty and productivity characteristics? 3/5
We don’t have data from 2020 survey but based on a 2016 study in JACC in adjusted analysis the women would have been expected to have a mean salary that was $31,749 (95%CI: $16,303 to $48,028) higher than that actually observed. 4/5
Now the question is: how do we close this gap? How do we change this culture and how do we encourage more women to enter this field? 5/5 @WomenAs1 @WomenInMedicine @Medscape @ACCmediacenter @ACCinTouch @medicine #EPeeps #medicine
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