Yeah so what is happening on Parler is exactly what I thought would be happening

Black people beware
Here are some of the handles

I imagine it's going to make it a lot easier for counter-terror police to find their suspects at least
Unsurprisingly, a lot of people on Parler hate George Soros - some of the hashtags include:

"George Soros For The Gas Chamber"
"George Soros Is The Head Of The Snake"
"George Soros For The Gallows"

If you think Twitter is a cesspit, Parler is the 7th circle of Hell
People on Parler also seem to hate Muslims, with hashtags including:

"Muslims Are Invaders"
"Ban Muslims"
"Muslim Scum"
"Deport All Muslims"
"Ban Muslims In Government"
"Muslims Are Terrorists"

It's horrific, but at least we can find all the racists in one place now!
I think this has to be the most bizarre crossover episode in history...:

Some people on Parler think Hitler was a Rothschild?????

I mean, where do you even start with something like that???
Oh yeah, and here's whats currently trending on Parler

It's literally like a Donald Trump brain dump
You can follow @nadinebh_.
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