WHY the fuck is mother’s day trending on father’s day ?? “all parents matter” really people ?? we JUST had mother’s day bruh . celebrate it then or celebrate today if you want but why do you bitches always try to discredit the good dads bc your mad at your trash ass baby daddy ?
so y’all are only paying attention to the “all parents matter” part . that’s NOT my issue . my issue is WHY are MOTHERS still talking shit about their children’s fathers ?? WHY are dads not getting to celebrate father’s day the same way mother get to celebrate?? that’s literally
all I was asking & y’all wanna be extra as fuck . I get “all parents matter” is making fun of “all lives matter” it’s just stupid that it’s trending at all . I said wtf I said don’t like it then move the fuck along .
muting this so argue w ya selves 😌
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