And listen, people: you don’t know how fucking genius this is.

I will bet a month’s salary that some poor database admin is now staring at a dataset of over a million ticket reservations that they were going to use to shill for donations and feeling sick.
Not even just donations: I’d bet they were planning on using this data to cross reference against other sources and do additional micro-targeting.

Let’s say they were going to use it to ID moderates to advertise to them.
They might have planned to ID any Democrat trolls and just slide that particular subset on to someone who can fuck with voter registrations.

Or cross-reference signals on location, and determine how to direct their campaign spending based on that.
Anyway - point being, they were probably expecting some level of trolling but not this.

That dataset is probably complete junk. Any registration that doesn’t correlate somehow to known good information is now suspect.
Like, for voters who they have a profile on already, like committed MAGAts, they can probably select them out and add this data point to the profile for future use, but novel signups? The thing that Parscale was bragging about IIRC?

You can’t tell the difference between a legit email/phone number and a fake email/Google Voice number.

By automated means, is what I’m saying. Obviously if the email is “ [email protected]” that’s a pretty safe bet for being fake.
So at the very least, this means a TON of extra work for the marketing team at Trump HQ just to clean up the data (somehow) and make it usable.

At worst, it means they toss it.

And trust me on this: Trump may stiff contractors, but he ain’t stiffing them.
That team keeps the money hose working. They are absolutely getting paid.

So imagine if you spent a ton of money setting up a rally and getting the devops in place to collect marketing data (least you think those systems are cheap, they are not) and then...
A few hundred thousand tech-savvy teenage trolls showed up to ratfuck you.

I can’t think of any better example of the power of the people in the modern world than this.
So in conclusion, all the photos of the half-empty arena are nice, but the thing really making me giggle is the thought of Parscale staring at that database and wondering when he’ll be fired.
Quick PS to this thread: part of the reason that this is so genius is because Trump HQ likes to shill for donations by email.

Allow me to enlighten you to how much time and money you have to spend on good, large scale email campaigns in order to get results.
Answer: A FUCKTON.

And you live an die on the accuracy of your mailing list. Fake emails are the bane of your life.
Trump HQ now have to face whether they can drop $insert-ridiculous-money-here to run an email campaign on this dataset that is almost certainly 90% worthless and for which they may not be able to filter out the real registrations.
Again: without known good data to use as a filter, they can’t tell which is a fake registration and which is one from a voter they haven’t got on their lists yet.

And Trumpikins desperately needs to get to those voters.
Like I can’t even tell you how much this whole thing makes me both smile and just internally clench because I know what it feels like to stare down the barrel of a billion records you spent excessive time/money compiling and it’s all fucking wasted.
Other devops/data analysts will know that feeling. :P

Anyway I might be going viral and I don’t have a soundcloud, so get out and vote, Nazis fuck off, support #BlackLivesMatter , and give all the money and power to women of color and trans people

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