All Fake MSM, Corrupt Politicians, Bought Academics, Insane Celebs and Rotten Football Anchors. You are the swamp.


Share this hash tag for all the past and present
victims, particularly those in Reading. Also for the hopes asperations of Dads on Fathers Day.
Actually this is a Order. Snap out of your complacency or thinking someone somewhere else will sort it. We are it!
Now i am not asking for much but #DraintheGBSwmp is as far as i can see something we can all support.
Pull your finger out and get this moving pronto.
Let the silent majority be heard with #DraintheGBSwamp
Come on. Do This.
Keep Retweeting daily until it explodes.
Likes on this thread are appreciated ... but
Retweets are what is necessary and required.

I would like a minimum of 1 Billion people from all corner
of the Globe to send a message that we know what The Game is a we will not let you write your history.

Retweet #DraintheGBSwamp
You can follow @RainstormMan23.
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