yea am thinking its time for bird
Personal favourite, the Eurasian Magpie (Pica Pica)
- their call sounds like laughter
- can imitate human speech, solve puzzles, pass the mirror test
- ☯-pilled feather gown, coat & tail of shining iridescence
House Sparrow
- highly underrated
- can fluff into perfect spherical form
- is 100% fueled by sheer spite and anger yet lays all differences apart and flourishes in their social settings basking themselves in the strength of the group
Ornate Hawk-Eagle
- also called Glorious Cap Eagle
- fearless thanks to their aesthetic head gear
- eats snakes and even porcupines as large as him
Gilded Flicker
- choses to build their nests high up inside of cacti
- gives out the namegiving, joyful call of "wick-a wick-a wick-a!"
Western Capercallie or Wood Groose
- exceedingly becoming rare
- those who are lucky, will be met by his voiced sound of crushing cans(?) >
Alpine Chough
- The highest nesting bird, was found on altitude of the Mount Everest 🏔
- As they embody Corvid intelligence it is known the reason they are found at such heights is to study the curvature of earth
Resplendent Quetzal
- Neotropical mystical bird, whose vibrant colors and long tail inspired the ancient myth of the feathered serpent that helped create earth
- killing one was punishable by Death
- many of their "owners" see not the secret colours only exposed by UV Light
- come in flocks, highly extroverted and loves to chatter
- native to New Zealand and consistently in rivalry to dethrone Corvids as most intelligent birds, high puzzle solving ability but equipped with strong parrot beak
- agents of destruction, own h*mans all the time
- mate for life and hide the rainbow just below their wings
New Caledonian Crow
- as evidenced by their choice to live in island paradise, often considered the most intelligent
- uses, combines & manipulates tools, as far as huemans know only for snacks
- tricks even other crows by pretending to bury food and watch them search for it
Blue Jay
- prettiest Corvid, native to Northern America equipped with strong beak to crack any nut
- observed to watch farmers leave fields to then dig out seeds
- loud, bold, determined and angry as 100,000 predators & haters of his magnificent attire attempt to ruin his vibe
Grey Heron
- contains blood of nobility, from ancient lineage with 7 million year old fossil record
- bears a staggering wingspan of ~6 feet
- makes the act of swallowing entire fishes within mere seconds look gracile
Additional Black Heron hunting fishes by casting shade onto the waters using his God given body as a tool to success!
- has a special digestive system for eating leaves, similar to the systems found in cows
- for this reason they are known by natives as stinkbirds
- as juveniles they have wing claws they use to climb up slopes
- branched off from modern birds 64 million yrs ago
Long Tailed Tit
- very round
- in fact it is disputed if they can be classified as birds at all but not perhaps a Gossypium that spontaneously acquired capability of flight
Common Starling
- would like to introduce himself
Amethyst Starling
- one of the smaller Starlings and all the brightly violet coloured
- like many birds also mates for life, but also reuses successful nests they build in tree holes lined with dung & leaves
- omnivore with a taste for figs
Bearded Vultures (also Blood Vultures)
- provide along with the Cassowary proof of living Dinosaur heritage
- eats the remains of dead animals and focus mostly feeding on bone marrow which they break open with their mighty beaks
- so widespread the only continent they can't be found is Antarctica
- large, with 6ft wingspan and compelling stature
- eats almost exclusively fish they plummet swiftly out of the water using powerful legs
Hooded Crow
- fashionable style
- interacts with other species for food rewards such as humans in urban areas
- also seen with Otters that while feeding on shorelines share their crabs more or less willingly after being stared down by a single crow, in order to not get pecked
Red Capped Plover
- beach nesting shore friend from Australian coast
- forages mollusks and worms via "stop-run-peck" technique where they wait motionless, then rapidly tap their foot on the ground to lure out prey before moving to new waiting position or darting to peck
Powerful Owl
- feared with reason for it's not only geared with the ability to see through someone's soul, as all Owls do but also astonishing talons and beak that lead to more than one person losing their eyes and more
Andean Cock of the Rock
- exotic feathered tree squid, named after behaviour of building nests on rocks and ledges
- hides their beak beneath glorious pompadour
- often mistaken for being one of the many fruits they feed on
Marvellous Spatuletail
- critically endangered only found in a remote valley of North Peru
- only has 4 tail feathers, of which the two most striking ones ending in discs can be moved independently
- as the discs wave in wild patterns and touch each other they expel luminous dust
- stork of immense size, handsome appearance and almost anthro-like feautures
- acquiring the large bill has been a tradeoff for a heart with empathy as evidenced the commonly found amount of mercy in the species resides at ~0.1%
(source: )
Atlantic Puffin
- also called sea parrots as they spend most their lives in the ocean, even resting on the waves
- the beak changes colour by season, in winter it has a dull grey colour, but in spring it blooms with an outrageous orange
Eastern Screech Owl
- large head with no need for neck
- hide in trees during daytime, squint their eyes and sway back and forth imitating branch movements
- fly silently, emit strange, haunting sounds and have piercing eyes; supposedly coming from the spirit world to catch souls
Peregrine falcon
- mighty living missile, torpedo of the eternal skies; this raptor can reach speeds of up to 390km/h in dive making him the fastest animal
- another exceptional record is having the fastest visual processing speed, registering fluid motion only starting at 129FPS
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