I am from a village called Keelathenkalam. Name means South eastern pond. History says our community dug up ponds to do farming, hence our caste name.

Our village is on the shores of this Pond. As Hugeeee as a small lake! Every June the water recedes to a mere puddle.
That means lots of fish!! All the fish would be caught and divided among the villagers. As years rolled, fish population started going down. Villagers did a brilliant thing of getting good fish from different parts of the district and introducing them into the pond.
So every June, expert fishermen are called, all the fish caught and divided among all the villagers. Today is that day...

Few years back I documented the whole process. Here you go...
On the way to the pond... LM is in jamun colored saree. I am grinning because this way the first time, I was allowed to step out in my tee without getting nagged to change into something 'decent'
Towels on head as my village is really hot even in winter.
That's a small part of the pond.
More of the pond.
The fishermen(taking a break) and the fish!
Fish being divided, while people wait for their turn. Thats my LM telling me "you should have seen while fishing is in progress"
Names cross checked. Fish divided into piles.
Everyone is there. From children to people enjoying their second childhood.
Some get a lot. Same get a small portion. All depends on some much vari/tax you pay to the village. One man in household means 1 vari. We pay 2. It is not much, 20rs/man.
Even after distribution, a whole lot of fish will still be left over. That goes for auction.
And some are left behind for fishing enthusiasts. I force my LM to say hi for SM clout all the time. 😂😂
Getting back home with our share.
Once home it gets cleaned and marinated for yummy fish curry..
And thats the story of communal living of my village. All that fish!!
And yes! All the cats have a field day, no no, field week!! 😂😂
Brother sent me photos of LM's fish curry after today's harvest!!! 😋😋
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