I've talked shit about Trump since the day I got hired at KF and I'd always get DMs or tweets from KF patreon members saying "I'm a Trump supporter. Do you not want me as a fan?" And the message then is same as the message now...
If you're okay supporting someone that's racist/ misogynistic/ xenophobic/ transphobic/ etc (I'm honestly having trouble thinking of all the other horrible shit he's done and said), we don't want you here.
Be good to each other for fuck's sake.
To everyone that's mad about these tweets: there are SO MANY Republicans out there, some even working in government, that have realized Trump is awful and not fit to be president.
You've had 4 years to realize what a mistake this has been.
I'm sure you were born in a hardcore Republican family but you can still denounce Trump and the hate and divisiveness that comes along with him.
You can follow @MaximumCortez.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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