A Thread on how Modiji and Influencers are same:
Will go to any extent for more followers.
Makes a trend out of literally anything. (2/n)
Don't care a bit about real issues, but will speak and post about them on every social media platform just to show that they are woke. (3/n)
Will travel different countries often to keep their feed fresh. (4/n)
Their homies hype them up all the time (5/n).
Got some fanclubs who tirelessly praise them for everything they do. (6/n)
Their fans are the most toxic yet stupid people on internet (7/n)
Have an exceptional PR team (8/n).
Will often collab with other influencers to expand their fan base. (9/n)
Dresses up perfectly for every occasion for the gram (10/n)
Shows affection towards their enemies to maintain their saint-ly character (11/n).
Always act as a Mumma's boy, because that shit looks cute these days (12/n)
Are always involved in shady stuff, but never get called out for that. (n/n)
End of Thread. Feel free to add more in replies.
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