The concept of “fake friends” me...has always eluded me. It’s a mindset that only sets us back to the point of no return. It’s like knife. A sharp knife. The sharpest knife even. And it can cut through anything.
It’s kinda scary. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I ask myself....”am I a bad friend? Have I ever done anything people would consider ‘toxic’? Is what I’m saying just unselfaware advice that eludes me every chance it gets?”. It’s weird...
I was planning on making this a video or something, but truth be told, I could talk about this forever. And I must warn you that this is simply my opinion, and you can take it how you want. You’re free to disagree. That’s fine. But...I’ll just say this.
This mindset has actually kinda helped me ever since junior year when I started to think about it. When I started to examine the world around me and how fucked people can think. How the concept of misunderstanding is like a wrecking ball that knocks down the strongest building.
So that’s basically all to say, if you disagree with this, or think I’m a bitch, or think I shouldn’t be taken seriously...fine. Cause after saying all this, there’s honestly not much else I could do to change your mind.
Having said that, not taking this advice will only keep you on the danger path you never stopped walking on. The path where every little nook n cranny is critiqued.
And today was the tipping point. Not gonna mention any names (she knows who she is), but let’s just say that I witnessed another one of these situations. Knowing how much we need to change, trying to stimulate it was worth a shot, but sometimes you just have to keep shooting.
Think of these friendships turned nothing as really nice buildings. You spent years, maybe even a decade, building it. One day you find a loose screw in the construction. Now you can do one of two things.
You could either tell yourself that it’s not worth it and to let the building crumble down, could take yo ladder, climb up the wall, and screw it back in, and it’s like nothing even happened. It’s as good as new.
It’s sad to me that people don’t choose the ladder (that was a bar), that they would rather let years of hard work tumble down before them...and for what? For you to build another friendship and the same shit happen? For you to let one tiny mistep determine the rest of your life?
Listen...I’m not saying people are wrong to feel the way they feel when things like this happen. We’re all fucking human. You wanna know who else is human? The same exact person that you’re mad at.
People. Fuck. Up. YOU..fuck up. And you just don’t know it (or you just don’t wanna admit). They don’t know they fucked up either, but it’s up to you to catch them up to speed. I GUARENTEE you that if you went up there and fixed that screw, it’ll never happen again.
For YEARS. LITERALLY YEARS. I hear the same thing. It’s like a broken fucking record.

“People ain’t really my friend”. “People ain’t as loyal as they say they are”

And this one’s my favorite:
“People are ‘toxic’”

No they’re not.
People simply mess up. That’s it. Again. Nobody is fucking perfect. There are times where something that seems fucked up TO YOU actually isn’t in their eyes. Why? Because it’s the judgement they they’ve run with for years before you even came into their life.
Friendship is love, and with love comes communication. And boy do we lack that shit. We as humans wouldn’t know communication if it hypnotized us. As soon as aggravation hits, all we see is red and a devil saying “let it go”. Do not let it go.
And I already know what y’all gon say.

“Sometimes these things just have to happen.”

No they don’t. They only “have to happen” cause you think they do. But in all honesty, you’re better off just fixing that screw...fixing that tiny little issue within the friendship.
Because all these “cut offs” do is give you the impression that everyone’s out to get you. That you HAVE to keep yo “circle small”. And that’s when history repeats itself, and that’s exactly why these exact same situations continue to happen.
Uknow...I see this shit happen (and even today) and I just think to myself “why does this keep happening? Why do I never find myself in these situations?” And I know what you wanna say: “Maybe you’re just actually a good friend” or “Maybe you actually have good friends”.
I am no different from you on a surface level. We live in the same city, went to the same school, and are the same age. Trust me...if this shit was to happen to me, it would have already. In has.
Last year. One of my best friends thought I did something “weird”. Mind you...I had no idea. It was something she had to tell me. You see where I’m getting at here? These things aren’t done intentionally.
“If they were really my friend...”. Stop right there. They are your friend. It just doesn’t seem like it because of this one instance, and it’s okay to feel like that. What’s not okay is to let it die.
What would you do if you saw a patient who had a curable injury that if not treated could kill them? In this case the surgery isn’t even expensive. Would you still let them die? If your answer was yes, then why would you not do the same for this friendship?
“Why is ‘everyone’ always out to get me” were never hunted. You just THOUGHT you were.

And listen. I’m not saying that there’s no such thing as a bad friend. There is. But those people are manipulative fucks that only want shit for themselves.
I bet you fucking money that your friend that did some “weird shit” is not like that. Wanna know how I know that? Because if they were, you’d probably be dead by now. Because more than one of your friends has “fucked up” before.
This thread is getting long. I’m sorry about that lmao. I don’t even know if anyone’s gonna read this. If you did...thank you. This is something that I’ve been holding in for years, and I’m sure someone’s gonna read it all and still not listen in the future. And that’s fine.
I know someone (probably one of my friends) is gonna see this and think “tf are you doing?” or “This nigga just typed an essay”. Yes...I did...and it’s probably one that you need to read.

Again, if you read this...thank you. I love all of you guys. Just...Don’t Over Think Shit.
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