PSA to aspiring artists: Adobe's a joke and you should absolutely, 100% use something else to avoid being roped into their ecosystem.
Krita, Affinity Photo, Procreate, ArtStudio Pro all viable alternatives.

Signed, 10 years Photoshop user.
The industry is changing and it’s very hard to switch from Photoshop once you’re acclimated to it.
You do have a choice, and I know plenty of industry artists who wish they did too. It’s not just about the fees: it’s about ditching a software that will let you down.
And no, piracy is not a valid answer.
You don’t value what you steal, and you’re still using Adobe. You could be supporting another company that actually cares since most alternatives have prices that circumvent the need for piracy.
Someone was asking about an AE replacement, check this out. Combine with Blender? I'm not a video guy but it looks pretty sweet.
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