Another metric by which UGA measures itself is our list of "peer" and "aspirational" institutions, which is linked in the document. 100% of our peer institutions are requiring face masks, with one slight question mark for @michiganstateu but my guess is they will.
Why are we so out of sync? I have NO idea. Let me also mention that all of our surrounding state public universities, including those in very red states, are requiring masks on campus -- Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, Florida.
So far, the @BORUSG has given no coherent explanation for their decision, which not only says we can't require them, but also forbids individual campuses or individual faculty from having our own campus / classroom policy.
I hope the Board of Regents will reverse their decision, and in the meantime, I hope that reporters will continue to press for better answers. @ajc @AJCGetSchooled @MrMikeVasquez @chronicle @insidehighered @11AliveNews @FlagpoleMag @onlineathens @GaDPH @CDCgov
Also, a big shout-out to the @universityofga student newspaper @redandblack , which has been doing some excellent reporting on this topic and hopefully will continue to press for better answers. @JacquelineGaNun
(For those who don't know why Georgia Tech and UGA would have the same policy, there is one governing body for ALL the public colleges and universities in the state of Georgia: The University System of GA. This "masks not required" policy is theirs. 
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