we have to come to terms with the fact that our collective desire for harsh a punishments against people who do wrong is deeply unproductive and the only reason we can even conceive of such things is because racial capitalism has convinced us people can even be disposable at all.
from death penalties to social exile, western culture deals with its ills by turning its back to them abd suppressing awareness of them. just like in our medical system, the root of the problem is never addressed and remedied with care.
the environment that turns our friends and family into abusers is the one that glorfies punishment and de-emphasizes collective community based rehabilitation bc then it has more individuals to exploit. blind to this, we all desire to exile our abusers and feed them to the beast.
we are not healing our collective shadow we are suppressing it. and if you know anything about anything, you know that suppression of the shadow is a recipe for vdisaster. you can ship your trash off to somewhere you can’t see it but make no mistake you haven’t rid yourself of it
abd i want to emphasize that a re-working of the way we deal with social ills is a collective effort more than an individual one. it’s the community’s job. i don’t wish at all to push the responsibilities to rehabilitate an abuser on their victim. the community must be involved.
we need to keep our problems in clear view where we can see them and as a community facilitate accountability and deal with them. not throw them in jail and look the other way. because then a monster develops, a monster that doesn’t only swallow up the “criminals” you want it to.
when someone is raped or beaten it is not their problem alone it is the communities problem. bc both the victim and the community are apart of the community so if they are hurt/sick then WE’RE ALL hurt and sick.
it is incredibly naive to believe that bc you haven’t personally experienced a kind of abuse that they are not your problem. they are ALWAYS happening within our community which means it’s NEVER an isolated incident. Our current social order repeatedly fools us that they are.
when you have an issue, the worst thing you can do is let it out of your sight.
i think the D*rk Net and how our societal structure allows for this entire obscene community to THRIVE right underneath our nose. a community that kidnaps people for sex and organs. if our society ITSELF wasn’t deeply exploitative, could that exist? the answer is no.
our collective monster has mutated developed and become so powerful pricesly because we refuse to take accountability for it as a community.
my stomach turns these days anytime an abusive person is pushed away from the community bc i can see very clearly that we are feeding the wrong beast.
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