Watch this spot. I will use this tweet to start a thread about mapping overlays like the DUMB/Trafficking one. I have gotten my hands on a few other maps that lead to some VERY interesting linkages and discoveries. Covid, Trafficking, Voting, National Parks, Sanctuary Cities...
Ok let me preface this real fast by what I found in the past two days. To get everyone up to speed so we can see what we are working with. This is going to be a fairly long thread, so please, stay with me, work with me, and itll get done!
We will also be discussing some possible conclusions that we can make based on the data shown. This is the part that is making my head spin right now, because what I am seeing is quite overwhelming.

You'll understand in a bit.
First, I started by mapping out of of POTUS tweets calling for Dept of Trasportation improvements. I had a feeling that he was calling attention to something.

He was.
Then I got given the bright idea by my digging buddy @anonforq, to look at human trafficking vs some of the points. Well I could do one better, as I had this great trafficking map around for awhile. the two combined.
Based on conversations in THAT thread, @terryca53306307 dropped this gem on me. I had seen it before, but had always dismissed it. But I decided what the heck and overlaid it. Its a map of Deep Underground Military Bases and the connecting tunnels. Still trying to verify source.
Mash it together with the trafficking heat map, and voila! Proof of a HUGE correlation here. Ive never seen two disparate data sources match so exactly before. Like scary match time. I was shaking when I saw it.
Just the Trafficking and DUMB map without Google Earth, for clarity.
So that gets you up to date. Now, we go forward with new and greater information, and a possible Q confirmation that we are going in the right direction that was dropped just a bit ago. Ill clarify on that at the end. ONWARD!
One of the requests I got was from @anonforq again. She has had a theory for a long time that National Parks are a natural place for abduction and trafficking. So, I found a National Park pin map, and let the overlay do the talking...
It sure looks like the coastal regions could be in trouble, and some of the central parks appear to be as well. Yellowstone being one. Some of the other parks probably dont have enough visitor per sq foot to make grabbing kids possible, so thats why they dont fit the pattern.
But there very definitely IS a pattern to be seen. So if you ever visit one of the busy and crowded National Parks with your kids, keep them on a short leash. LITERALLY.
On to the next one. Lets go with 2016 Presidential Election results by county vs trafficking. This one was harder to represent clearly because of the coloration of the maps involved. so I saved it as a PSP file, which works with Photoshop and Paintshop. You should be able to ...
Slide the opacity for the layers around and see the correlation. It's there. Big time. Anything that isn't solid red, is effectively a trafficking hot spot. Blue is a dead give away, although there is plenty of pink area that is in trouble too.
And Twitter doesn't recognize that as a picture file... great. So Ill save it as a flat file, and hope you can see it. Its pretty hard to sus out visually.
Here is a fun one. Covid versus 2016 Election results. I expected this one to be honest....
Ok, how about Sanctuary Cities? Are we really going to be shocked to find correlations between Sanctuary Cities, Covid, Voting AND Trafficking? Ill lay them out individually for you to make that determination on your own.
Voting vs Sanctuary. No surprise here....
How about Trafficking and Sanctuary? HUGE correlation there.
Ok, Corona and Sanctuary? There cant be a link there can there? Kek, silly kids, of course there is....
Oh, the map helps make the point eh? lol.
And then the one that sat me back in my chair shaking my head and wondering if I understand the world at all. I mean, there CANT possibly be a link between DUMBS and Covid can there? Well, as a matter of fact....
I did lay these all onto Google Earth too, so once again Ill update and upload the KML file so that it contains all of these as overlays on the US, and you can play with combining and opacity to your hearts content. At the end.
So now we move on to the discussion phase of our thread. First off, and perhaps most controversial, are they using Covid death and infection rates to cover for the bodies being brought up from the rescue and DUMB cleanup? We all have seen and recognized that the COVID numbers are
Inflated beyond belief. So much so, that they coopted all of the pneumonia and flu deaths for this year, and stuffed them all into the Covid column. Why? They had to know we were going to see through it eventually. Yes its about the election, but I think its even deeper.
Its about obfuscating their behavior for the past 60 years. They know they are sunk once the public catches wind of this crap. Kids being trafficked for sex, ritual murder, body parts, labor and everything else is pretty much the line in the sand that ALL Americans can agree on
We as a society have consistently placed a MUCH higher value on our children than other societies and cultures. Look at the Middle east and China for examples of the opposite. Both have horrendous records for treatment of children. SO once we see that our trusted leaders from all
walks, religious, political, security ( police etc ), sports, music, media, have all been complicit and active in this crap, it will cause a shift and a revulsion unlinke anything that has happened anywhere before. They WONT be safe to walk down the street again.
Moving on from that. One of the other key things we can draw from this is the complicity of the Democrats in all of this. Trafficking, Covid, Sanctuary Cities. What I showed wasnt that Illegals were trafficking, but that illegals are BEING trafficked. Illegals arent the problem
they are a symptom of the disease, which is rule by the Democrat party. Where Democrats lead, corruption, filth, disease and waste follow. Is anyone going to argue the filth and corruption of Hollywood? And look where it falls in all of this.
How about my beloved Seattle? My Washington dig from last week or so shone the bright light of exposure on the Deep State here. Look at EVERY map here, Seattle smack dab in the middle of it. Vegas, same thing. Atlanta, Same, etc etc etc etc...
The last thing Id like to toss out there, is the role that DUMBS play in all of this. First, while Military is in their name, that does not MEAN US Military. While places like Cheyenne Mountain are undoubtedly fully White Hat controlled, most of these other DUMBS are black hat.
Black hat, lets define that in the Military sense a bit. I am CERTAINLY NOT pointing a finger at the brave young men and women in our armed forces. Most of them probably have no clue that these places even exists. They may wonder at the entrance to somewhere that they stand ..
Guard over, but beyond that, they are not involved. These are CIA and private contractors. Most black projects have gone way of contractors. They arent overseen by US MIL except at the VERY highest level, and even then those are usually CIA operatives playing a double role.
These contractors include foreign nationals, as either "researchers" or "security". Count on it. So many of these people arent even from the States. Some are yes, but not all, and maybe not even most.
Bottom line, DUMBS can be easily used to move people, guns, drugs, disease, whatever you want, all across the country, underground where its safe from prying eyes. Oddly enough, it appears that most of these DUMBS now open up into Democrat controlled areas. Even more shielding
for whatever nefarious things they have going on.
Much of this has been known, and posted about by others, but I wanted to put most of this together in a single place.
Now, to the fun part, where I give back to you guys :) Here is the link to the KML file that includes all the POTUS DOT points, but also the overlays of each map that you have seen today as separate layers that you can toggle and play with and zoom in on in Google Earth.
There you go! Have fun with it! More importantly, if you have an idea to add, let me know and Ill get working on it.
Discussing CIA and its actions, and then this phrase
"Its what you dont see"
And we have been discussing DUMBs, which are CIA controlled things that you dont see....

Ill take it. ;) Getting a direct Q is usually a cluster, I prefer the indirect nods.
Adding one more to this. @realJamieMc suggested a DUMB vs National Cemetary overlay. They were good enough to go get the cemetary info and import it into a KML file for me, so it was a snap to get this result.
It appears that a You Tube channel picked up on this thread and did a bit on it. Thanks guys!
And @TRUreporting did a nice piece on this thread too! Thank you very much guys! Make sure to give them a like and a follow.
@Hev123truthsee1 Did a video on the thread as well!! Give them a follow and a like! Thank you!
You can follow @SnarkishDanno.
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