When you center lesbianhood around non attraction to men above even loving women to the point where you force binaries onto nonbinary people to determine who’s a man and who isn’t with no regard to self identification, you have a problem.
Especially when your standard of femininity is based around white femininity.
Like not only is that being really nbphobic in the name of proto terf frameworks, it disproportionately affects BIPOC as they’re excluded from white femininity and masculinised under white supremacy.
It also just leaves a really racist taste with the idea of white femininity needing to be protected violently against invaders and it’s history of catalyzing racist violence and BIPOC being disproportionately framed as invaders.
The weaponization of white femininity has gotten many a Black person and poc in général killed or harmed so to center it in queer spaces just seems really racist.
Lesbian exclusionism is based around a concept of purity which is tied to white femininity that must be protected at all costs or supposedly the the lesbian label will lose its power and bring violence upon lesbians and so any “threat” is met with violence.
That is why the harassment over the lesbian discourse is so damn toxic and violent.
We’ve gotten to a point where its clear this framework of purity can’t be reformed to rid it of its violence and I think that’s why this round of discourse is more heated than usual.
It’s gotten so bad that people are more willing to accept TERF rhetoric than their own history and will get harassed for sharing it even if the discourse isn’t mentioned.
This revisionism and ahistorical bullshit can’t go in much longer because it’s harming everyone who isn’t upper/middle class, white, allo, abled, cis, binary and feminine. My own community shouldn’t make me more miserable than anywhere else.
This toxicity has my at my breaking point no less than twice a week and there’s nothing I can do because I’d rather die than relinquish my lesbian identity.
It makes me really really really dysphoric to the point I could cry even though I don’t usually have much dysphoria because of the atmosphere that alternates between going after and using nonbinary people for nbphobic exclusionist bullshit.
It also is really painful as a disabled dyke because every single damn time they resort to using ableism against the people they want out. I don’t feel safe in a space like that.
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