idk who needed to hear this but judy garland did blackface in a minstrel movie called everybody sing (1938). think about this the next time you watch the wizard of oz.
i can’t believe i didn’t even know this existed until today... i feel like there’s just so many things that we don’t discuss today about the way that racism was portrayed and popularized in media, not only back then but present day as well
for the love of god y’all i know she was abused, i know she’s dead, i understand all of this. the point of the tweet was to inform people of something they might not have been familiar with. it’s important to reflect on culturally accepted practices from the past, because it can
help us inform our view of the future. again, not trying to deprecate anything that judy garland has done, because i know she suffered at the hands of her management and others. i just think we need to be more in tune to the media we are consuming.
i don’t understand why it’s so controversial to some of y’all just to state that she did blackface. i’m not saying u can’t watch the wizard of oz. watch whatever the fuck you want i don’t care
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