The times that try mens souls has passed. For a time of war bounds happily forward, driven by the thoughts of bloodshed that will make even the War Gods turn their head away in sheer disbelief. 1/
We fought in two wars, so we could say we did our part. All we asked, was to live off the fat of the land. We cared not about race, sex, or 12,000 genders. We only wanted to be left alone. 2/
Yet, you wouldn’t let us rest. You insisted on false hate and discontent. You shoved everything about your degenerate beliefs in our faces. You made our kids see tranny dick with green eggs and ham. 3/
When we tried to be civil, you took us to court, belittled our beliefs, called us racist, nazis and more. Yet we endured that. Why? We wanted only peace. A peace we fought for, a peace undisturbed. 4/
Still, you shoved your agenda down our throats. And still we said “just leave us alone”. We didn’t care that you were gay, we didn’t care that you were black. Just leave the kids alone, and don’t be evil we asked. 5/
Yet, still you pushed, and took our kindness for weakness. Helped along by those who claimed principles, but never fought for them. So here we are, souls tried, and minds steeled. You think you’ve won, but as an Iron Man in a wooden ship once said “I’ve not yet begun to fight. 6/
We know there is a global cabel, trying to bring us down. They fund you. Yet still, they cannot bring us down. You tear down statues of honor, you destroy our history; yet, in the secret and quiet places, we thrive. 7/
We fight, not for statues, or even the republic. We fight to be left alone. The purist of American values, we fight for. All you had to do, was leave us alone. 8/
Now, you’ve awakened the sleeping tiger. We held out our hand in solidarity. Accepting that all men are created equal. You stabbed us in the back. So yes, we will fight. Oceans of blood will follow, and it’s all your fault. 9/
We will win. We will make your kind extinct, then destroy the globalhomos funding you. We care not what Soros, the Rothschilds, and Morgan’s have. We will hang them from lampposts. 10/
Hey rest of the world, sit this one out. You’ll only get stacked harder than a Marine on shore leave in Thailand.

To those who will fight, take heart. Your souls have been tried. Now steel your minds for the task ahead. 11/
To our enemies, you’re going to lose. No quarter will be shown as, you have given none. What emerges out of this war, I know not. What I do know, is that a hardier race of Americans will rise. One that embraces our history. 12/
Take your shot, you who would see us destroyed. However know this, when we stand over you, as you beg for mercy, we will say no. Unconditional surrender, is not on the menu. You were warned. Now, reap what you sowed. Fin.
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