Black Slavery Myths Debunked

Claim: Every civilization had slavery.

FACT: “Slaves were NEVER chattel until the 19th century — NEVER in world history were slaves considered chattel until modern times.”

— Dr. David Neiman

Torah Slavery vs American Slavery

“Slaves were bound to their masters, you could purchase a slave (Torah mentions this with regards to paying debts, slave is paid, must have a certain living standard) ....
.... but they were always recognized as a human beings and had real recognized rights.”

— Dr. David Neiman
“Even during Hamarabi’s rule slaves were recognized as human beings, not cattle, under Hamarabi’s rule we have evidence from antiquity of slaves suing their masters and wining a judgments in court.”

-- Dr. David Neiman

"This is what underpins the far-right's endless whataboutery & tendency to equate slavery in different contexts across different millenia. The goal is to empty the history of the transatlantic slave trade of its unique racial element ...
.... and thus remove its legacy as a determinant."
"The Irish were slaves, too" amounts to an abuse of Irish American and African American history, nay it is an abuse of history itself, as it wilfully pits these diasporas and their tragic histories against one another to score political points.”

— Liam Hogan

Racial Slavery Denialism

“It does not argue that the Transatlantic Slave Trade did not happen, instead claims that it does not matter, that it has no legacy.“

— Liam Hogan
"False equivalence and an endless dishonest minimisation are characteristics of both Racial slavery denialism and Holocaust denialism.The system of racialised perpetual hereditary chattel slavery that was developed o8 ln the New World by Europeans has NO EQUIVALENT IN HISTORY."
“The Irish man is poor, but he is NOT a slave. He may be in rags, but he is NOT a slave. He is still MASTER of his body”

— Frederick Douglass
Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too
Racial Slavery was different from Islamic slavery: Under Islam slaves had some rights; and, if they converted to Islam--- even more rights.

This was not the case with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
This is an important differentiator.

There were (are) many racist and violent Muslims. But, they can't point to The Koran to justify saying "Blacks aren't human".

#WhiteSupremacy argued that to be black meant you weren't part of the human family.
Transatlantic Slavery Documentary -
Ex Black Slaves talk about Slavery in the USA
Historical Context: American Slavery in Comparative Perspective
Facts About African Slavery

Most of slaves sold by African chiefs were WAR CAPTIVES (other tribesmen). (cont) 

There was representation of slaves, the freeborn and the nobility at the royal court in most African states. (cont) 
Islam & Slavery

"those who remained faithful to their old religions and lived as protected persons (dhimmis) under Muslim rule could not, if free, be legally enslaved unless they had violated the terms of the dhimma, the contract governing their status."
Professor Eric Foner on the difference between slavery of the past, and American slavery
When those racist, NASTY and demonic people come to you, and say to you: #ALLSLAVERYMATTERS

Let them know who you are; and where the fuck you've been.

A DISSIMILAR RACIST crime in history had a dissimilar RACIAL impact on the ONE ethnicity most impacted.
Do Not Mistake Me!

When they run up on you with the racialism (wrongly mistaking you for their uncle-tom buddy) you better let them know; you better give ‘em that Marcus Garvey kick.

Remind them who the fuck you are.
“The Irish man is poor, but he is NOT a slave. He may be in rags, but he is NOT a slave. He is still MASTER of his body”

— Frederick Douglass
Racial slavery was crueler because it employed religion AND science to wage war on black bodies: It denied blacks a soul.

This argument that blacks aren't really human provided the rationale for plundering Momma Africa and enslaving Oya's babies -- FOREVER.
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