It's about time we seriously look at Caribbean food differently, it's getting frustrating to see nutritionists/gym instructors base meal plans on US/UK standards.
Who is not to say ½ mango is the equivalent of 1 handful of blueberries, use what we have.
I have seen some horrendous diet plans where I swear money has to be no option.

Go eat salmon but we are closer to fish markers than most country globally.

Can they not consume fresh fish, studying don't teach you this ehh.
Again use what we have if Covid hasn't taught us shit then we are doomed to repeat this again!

Sustainable cooking!
We like to spend a shit load of money on foreign spirits (taxes) when rum is making the greatest surge ever globally in the last 15 years
The Caribbean is rum, use what we have
The Black Belly Sheep, we sat and let so many foreign entities collect embryos/ DNA to create better breeds across the globe.

2020 we now realising when it's too late.

Use what we have!
There is nothing wrong with taking what's familiar and making it yours, I am inclined to think a customer's creation
Sweet Potato Cinnamon Bun, even if this goes to Breadfruit Cinnamon Bun.

Use what we have!
Name 10 bars that serve coconut water...

Use what we have!
They keep saying people don't travel to eat what they get home, have really looked at our menus and see they are still US/UK oriented. Our local food is then priced out the ass for some ungodly reason.

Use what we have!
Training & Development of our farmers is needed, giving a plot of land with half ass seminars to match ain't mean shit when the farming cycles are fucked.

Then again what do we export...
To this day so many people have no idea where their food comes from yet we covet morsels that sail for weeks, filled with pesticides. Do you know the name of the person who caught your salmon or picked your berries?

Isn't it better to know your fish vendor?

Use what we have!
There is need to do further manufacturing of local items. It fucking shambolic to hear we have a glut of eg onions Tomatoes. Please come buy my shit.

Jam, jellies, chutneys, ketchup, tomato sauce all by product's.

Use what we have!
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