Justin Bieber is NOT the villain the everyone is trying to portray him as, a deserved thread:
The reason I'm making this thread is because haters keep trying to spread lies about him for some likes but also to show all those rumors about him are false and he's actually very kind hearted and generous.
I'd like to start with this ridiculous rumor that he spat on his fans which was debunked several times but let me debunk it once again. It was confirmed by his team and JB himself that it's fake but also photos of the fans he "spat" on are from 2011 and he "spat" in 2013.
Next is a quote from Justin's interview that was heavily twisted to make it seem like Justin said r@pe happens for a reason which he never said. This particular lie fueled the ongoing lie that Justin is misogynistic which will be debunked in next tweets.
Justin expressed a pro-life stance before but that was due him almost being aborted, he changed his mind. He also punched a man abusing a woman, signed a petition to have more female producers and is a part of organization which brings awarness about women trafficking and r@pe.
Justin also keeps donating, one of the examples is Alexandria House, house for women where he donated $200k, set up a foundation + helped 3 individual ladies with donations as big as buying a car. Justin and Hailey regularly donate to all sorts or organisations.
Another example of Justin being a gentleman towards women is him respecting Hailey's body and saying she will decide how many children they will have because she is the one who will carry them and give birth.
Another popular lie is that Justin is an abuser just because he said he abused his relationships. Abuse means "use wrongly" which he did with one night stands and not speaking to his mother and Scooter. If anything, he was the abused one, but that's a story for another thread.
Once a playboy bunny named Sarah Harris accused Justin of grabbing her boob which got him kicked out of Playboy mansion, however this was debunked numerous times, even by Playboy mansion itself, they said Justin wasn't even there, let alone touched anyone.
Selena stans want to spread a narrative that Justin is a cheater but when you ask for proof they have none. Here is Selena saying she's single throughout years, Justin saying he's single during VS show, her stans claims he cheated while she was single and Justin's lyrics.
Let's move on to another lie debunked. Some haters are trying to call Justin homophobic which is nonsense because he never showed any homophobic behaviour. Au contraire, he was always treating his colleagues right, condemned religion for homophobia and much more.
In fact, Justin is one very liberated man who isn't affected by toxic masculinity and has no problem whatsoever with kissing and complimenting his male friends, wearing heels, wearing or putting makeup on someone else etc.
Justin is respectful to everyone no matter the gender, sexual orientation, religion or race. He treats everyone equally, respects others' traditions and uses his platform to raise awarness. He once stopped his concert to honor the Muslim tradition.
This brings us to probably the biggest controversy attached to Justin's name. Justin said some really wrong, ignorant and disgusting things as a kid. His racist mother (that he doesn't talk to anymore) taught him it's okay to say vile things, but he apologized and changed.
Since then, Justin used his huge platform actively to speak about racism and his privilege. With the latest wave of protests caused by murder of a black man, Justin has been bailing protestors, donating, calling out his white friends and sharing his platfom with black activists.
Justin is one of the rare white artists that can see and admit he benefited from black culture which is why he keeps giving back.
Haters are trying to call Justin a Trump supporter but that can't be farther from the truth. Justin declined $5mil to sing at his rally because they didn't want to include BLM banners, called him out on holding children in cages but also cursed out his supporter.
Here is Justin himself saying he wouldn't vote for Trump.
Justin is also vocal about police brutality and he signed for the reform of the police.
Now I wanna talk about Justin as a person and things he does. If you ask anyone who worked with him they will all confirm he is so kind and here is Poo Bear, a producer, talking how before Justin no one gave him any credit or said his name
Here is Justin prasing Poo Bear and many other artists (only to get hate from their fandoms).
Next thing I want to talk about is Justin always donating ever since the beginning of his career. He was the first western artist to donate when COVID outbreak happened and his charity work includes entire world. He also often talks to and gives money to homeless people.
I won't name every of his deed separately because no thread would be enough, but here is some of his most charitable work highlighted. He donated for many different causes as mental health, AIDS, building schools, housing the homeless and many more.
Although haters like to claim otherwise, Justin always had special connection and adored his fans. He is a celebrity who made most Make a wish wishes come true but he also always showed love with random acts of kindness. But often he is treated badly by "fans"...
Ever since his first tour, Justin has been donating a dollar from every ticket sold to charity. He donated over $5 million that way. Also his album Under the Mistletoe and song Pray donated portion of sales to charity, as well as his perfume Someday.
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