sending bad puns to @AnthonyTurpel until he sends one back, a thread✨😌
hey @AnthonyTurpel, what kind of car does a sheep drive? a suBAAHHru
alright, @AnthonyTurpel, here's another: how does a penguin build it's house? igloos it together

(ba dum tsss :'))
do you think that when deers pray, they say "oh deer god"?

(this one was horrible i'm sorry @AnthonyTurpel)
ok @AnthonyTurpel i think this one's not too bad lol:

two windmills are standing at a wind farm. one asks, "what's your favorite kind of music?" the other says, "i'm a big metal fan."
a cabbage and celery walk into a bar, the cabbage gets served first because he was a head

(these are all so bad, but i've geniunely laughed at all of these)
apparently i can't make dad jokes if i'm not a dad... i guess it's a faux pa :/

(a dad joke about dad jokes on father's day hehe)
@AnthonyTurpel i thought this one was good:

if you see an Apple store being robbed, does that make you an iWitness?
@AnthonyTurpel so i went to the zoo the other day, but there was only one dog there...

it was a shitzu ;(
a thought i have very often is why do octopuses have eight legs if they have TENtacles? hmm?? 🧐
@AnthonyTurpel what's a dog's favorite drink? fruit PAWnch :)
@AnthonyTurpel i wanted to buy a camouflage shirt, but i didn't see one :/
@AnthonyTurpel what did the grape say when he got stepped on? nothing, he just let out a little wine.
@AnthonyTurpel i took a picture of a wheat field but it was grainy :(
@AnthonyTurpel what do you call a turtle who takes up photography?

a snapping turtle :D 🐢📸
@AnthonyTurpel so i bought some shoes from a drug dealer... i don't know what he laced them with but i've been tripping all day ;(
@AnthonyTurpel to the man in the wheelchair who stole my camouflage jacket: you can hide but you can't run!!
@AnthonyTurpel i used to build stairs for a living. business was up and down.
@AnthonyTurpel i bought a boat since it was on sail, it really made waves when i came home with it!
@AnthonyTurpel what do you call a dinosaur with one eye? a do-you-think-he-saur-us 🦕 :'D
@AnthonyTurpel the pun in this tik tok was too good, i just had to add it to the thread
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