Louisville mayor announced officer to be fired in death of Breonna Taylor. Many of these firings don't stick. My 2017 WaPo investigation looked at a decade of police firings: of 1881 officers fired from 37 large U.S. departments, 451 won their jobs back. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/investigations/police-fired-rehired/
DC officer Michael Blaise Sugg-Edwards was ordered to be reinstated 5 years after his firing. He had been convicted of misdemeanor sex abuse over an incident with a teenager in his police car.
In 2012, the Boston Police Department was forced to rehire Baltazar “Tate” DaRosa two years after stripping him of his police powers for what the department said was his role in a murder.
San Antonio officer Michael Belver was fired twice for essentially the same thing -- challenging people he had arrested to fight him in order to gain their freedom. The second time, it was captured on his dashcam video. He was fired and then reinstated.
Fort Worth officer Jesus Banda Jr. sat outside a party where his ex-girlfriend was w/another man. He called a dispatcher to ran a check of the license of the man's truck. Days later, the truck was blasted with a dozen shotgun rounds. He was fired and reinstated one year later.
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