The deep-rooted beta male programming of western boys/men.


I see the demand for this thread in my previous tweet. - So I shall dive deeper and give you all my take on this topic that has affected so many men in western society.

Let's get into it -
Why do so many men in the west struggle in their day to lives? They don't have the girls they really want, they don't have the source of income they really want, they don't get the respect they feel they deserve - There are many factors - But let's focus on the fact so many lost
western males have been systematically programmed to be passive, non-aggressive, weak, pandering sacks of garbage. Please don't take that wrong way fellas

I was once that very "man" I just described but I got myself out of the black hole of beta-dom several years ago and now -
I'm going to break down, why it has happened to many guys who will be reading this thread -

I have split it into 3 main sections -

1. Cultural programming (TV, Movies, Music)

2. Educational programming (Schooling)

3. Chemical programming (soy, estrogen, booze)
Cultural programming (TV, Movies, Music) -

Let's reflect on our past guys, what was the biggest and most popular TV/movies/songs you enjoyed growing up? Of course, different locations and age groups will have different answers, but I shall share what mine were personally -
TV show -

Friends - A VERY popular show that was first out in the mid-1990s.

At the time I was around 10 YO

I remember how hyped up it was and It was always on in my household.

Over the next decade or so it became one the biggest shows of all time, with tens of millions -
of views worldwide. In the final season, the main cast was paid 1 MILLION USD per show reportedly. From what I remember the men in the show were extremely passive, nonmacho, non-dominant, & always pandered to the woman and they all just lived happily as "friends" this idea alone
is utter BS. Men and women can't really be "friends" it never works in reality as general rule of thumb. However, this poisonous show portrayed a very fake male/female dynamic that does not play out in the real world. When the male characters would enter into romances with the
main female characters or other females in the show, it was always a cringe-worthy pandering-fest to get "da gurl" Looking back, it actually disgusts me what I watched as a young kid. If you, as a man, go out into the real world and act like that - you will fail. Avoid.
Educational Programming. Ok, this is another big one. Schools, who remembers the good old days?

walking into school and having your mind mushed into mincemeat each day? Great times!

No, the school was a pro-feminist hell hole, the vast majority of the "teachers" were
A LAZY woman who only did the job for a longer summer holiday and a petty power trip. Sure, some had noble intentions, but very few. Even the male teachers were cucks as far as I remember. Alpha male behavior was never rewarded, you were encouraged to be a simpleton and berated
for being a based "chad" type guy. It was all by design. The majority of teachers came from universities that also promoted this behavior.

You would be suspended for beating somebody up, but gave a cuddle for crying. P.S this ain't a dig at woman its just the stone-cold facts.
Boys are not provided enough activities at school to release anger and aggression, I know its wrong to beat people up, but schools should have had systems in place to channel this energy, rather than guilt-tripping young lads, just for being lads. This adds to the overall
Beta programming and discourages boys from becoming more Alpha in later life. You get a pat on the back for acting like a little delicate flower. This is a key reason why so many men are weak. I dread to think about what schools are like these days in the west, it must be hellish
Chemical programming (soy, estrogen, booze)

Chemicals have played a huge role in keeping men in a beta male state.

Soy - Well known chemical that is contained in all the animals we eat as they are fed it, and much other food. Its is proven to decrease testosterone and increase
estrogen in males, this is what has to lead the famous "soy face" meme, as being lower in T makes a man more likely to smile like a demented joker face with his mouth wide open, as if, he is ready to receive a large object inside it. Not a good look lads. Avoid.
Alcohol - This is a big one, it's the most commonly used drug in the history of the planet, especially in the UK where I'm from, we have a HUGE drinking culture and EVERY single social event is pegged with booze, usually large and very harmful amounts.
It is a terrible substance for a man, it will give you titties and a fat belly plus, make you more emotional as it raises estrogen levels like soy does. I had a very bad friendship with booze from quite a young age until my mid-20s. I now consume none of it. Its utter trash guys
As I have stated in previous threads, a lot of the big songs and movies feature pandering, pathetic men who are madly in love with a woman and beg and cry to get them back. In the fantasy Hollywood world, the guy chases the hot chick, and at the end - he wins her over - if you do
this in real life, you will spend many nights alone, cry wanking into a sock, because woman DETEST needy desperate men. I won't dive too deep into songs/movies you get the picture by now I'm sure.

SOLUTIONS - I have listed problems, let's talk about solutions now guys -
- Assess your diet/get T levels checked.
- Stop boozing
- lift heavy weights/take up boxing,mma, muay thai
- Find a purpose/passion in life, don't obsess over getting woman
-Stop watching soy-flix, Hollywood trash & listening to mainstream music.
You have any idea how attractive a woman finds a man who just takes care of himself, has a direction in life, is passionate about something that ain't her?, it does not need to be a "cool" passion, you could collect superhero toys or stamps, just make it something that ain't her
If you do these things for a long time period and find a healthy purpose/passion/hobby. I Promise you all. High-quality females will gravitate towards you. It's like a universal law or some karmic rule. Woman LOVE strong, confident, tough & upright men who can play the role
of protector. I know a lot of women will say, they love guys with "dad bods" or slightly "tubby" etc. I hate to tell you guys - that's a lie. Go and research what women search for on porn sites. It ain't "dad bod, or BBM" They like the muscly alpha dude who can dominate them.
I hope you all enjoyed this and it helps you guys going forward.

Be better Brothers and never pander or submit to the rancid clutches of beta-dom

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Only true sages will be able to comprehend. 
Defeat the deeply ingrained beta inside you. Take back your mind from the dark operator's of Hollywood and the mainstream media!
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