the way i see it, bruno's belief in giorno's dream was more abstract than simply wanting to take over the mafia and stop drugs in naples (which obv was still a motivation). one of bruno's defining character traits is the desire to protect //
others. it's clear that the people of naples basically rely on bruno as this figure of goodness that they count on to protect them. but realistically bruno never has had the power to help all of naples. bruno's team is assembled of people he saved in various ways, but //
while bruno is able to help people on an individual level he's powerless to change anything on a society-wide scale, most obviously shown through his inability to stop drug trafficking in naples. he essentially makes no effort to, despite hating the drugs. //
when we meet bruno in canon he tells giorno his heart had been 'dying a slow death,' and the reason why can be traced back to the drugs. bruno's father was killed after witnessing a drug deal, the implication being the people who killed him were in passione. //
bruno joins passione to protect his father, but his father dies 5 years later anyway. only after that does bruno find out that passione had been funnelling drugs all along. so ironically bruno has sworn his life to serve the organization that ruined his and his father's lives. //
now bruno's main desire, to protect people, is in direct conflict with how he's serving exactly what he intended to protect people FROM: an organization that peddles drugs to kids. going about his life with this cognitive dissonance is what causes his depression as we know it. //
enter giorno. the way i see it, resolve and purpose are two themes that are tightly connected in VA, a lot of focus being put on how having a purpose gives your life meaning. this idea is reflected in every character. giorno found his purpose/his resolve in his dream, //
abbacchio found his in bruno, mista found his in bruno AND giorno, and narancia found his in helping trish. (notably, fugo originally found meaning in following bruno too, but couldn't find the resolve to become a traitor). but bruno HAD no purpose until giorno gave him hope. //
until this point, everything bruno did in the attempt to help people seemed totally meaningless the day he found out passione was trafficking drugs, which sort of solidified the idea that he really couldn't change anything. //
but then giorno comes along, with this goal and the resolve to achieve it that bruno had lost along the way. the way i see it, giorno was to bruno essentially proof that things really can change for the better. //
so bruno finds his own resolve following giorno's dream, because on a macro level he finds giorno emblematic of the fact that people's actions can have large-scale effects, but on a personal level giorno is proof that their individual lives have meaning.
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