Blaming “Antifa” for violent acts committed by extremists is a double danger:

1) Gives extremists further cover to commit violent acts

2) Further incites public animosity - and potential violence - toward peaceful protestors

Trump’s political campaign are actively trying to invent a fictional enemy and incite mob anger towards them.

Our federal government, specifically the Department of Homeland Security, knows that narrative to be false.

But we are hearing about this largely because of leaks of internal documents.

In other words, Trump is employing rhetorical tactics that have shades of 1930s Germany... and the people in place to protect us are largely publicly silent.

That is seriously dangerous.

To the extent we can, we need to aggressively combat Trump’s false Antifa narrative.

That means:

1) Rebutting it on social media with accurate reporting on who the bad actors were behind violent acts

2) Aggressively pressuring Fox News advertisers to drop disinfo spreaders

There are multiple people and orgs on Twitter covering extremist threats and violence. We need to follow and amplify.

I know of some. If you know of others, drop them in the comments and I’ll compile a list and append.

We need to be vigilant here.

This is dangerous.

You can follow @TheRealHoarse.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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