Doing my mid-year SKIN IN THE GAME update for @themotleyfool writing early.

Since Jan 2019: +99% (verus +24% for $SPY)
YTD: +46% (verus negative 4%)

Below are my holdings

Ticker - percent of port - returns vs $SPY (rounded)

$SHOP: 16%, +1,400%
$AMZN: 10%, +1,200%

$MELI: 8% +500%
Cash: 8%
$GOOG/L: 7% +200%
$AAXN: 6% +200%
$VEEV: 6% +500%
$OKTA: 5% +70%
$CRWD: 5% +60%
$MDB: 5% +160%
$TEAM: 4% +30%
$FB: 3% +100%
$PAYC: 3% +600%
$ISRG: 3% +300%
$APPF: 2% +200%
$ZEN: 2% +200%
$GBTC: 1% +80%
$ETSY: 1% +100%
$SE: 1% +40%
$SSTI: 0.2% -40
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