Pandemic Habits --> Marketing


Even during the pandemic, there are marketing opportunities.

In this thread, you will discover a very interesting example.

I have taken these photos myself, in a shop near where I live 📸

Let's start...

1. What Are Pandemic Habits?

The pandemic has introduced many new rules into our daily lives.

Most of these rules have become new habits for many of us.

I call them: Pandemic Habits

We do these things without questioning them anymore.

Some brands use it as an opportunity

2. Social Distancing:

Social distancing is one pandemic habit.

This brand has jumped on the opportunity by using the stripes on the floor to put their logo on them.

Look at the photo 👀

+ It looks better
+ Less "panic"-vibe
+ Branding, branding, branding

I'll explain...

3. It Looks Better:

At the beginning of this pandemic, there was no time for "pretty".

We needed a *working* solution FAST 💪

Time has passed since and this brand took it upon itself to create better-looking stripes.

One more thing...

4. The "Panic"-Vibe:

When the pandemic started, many places were in panic mode.

The red tape and other quickly-installed measurements added to this vibe, too.

After all, it WAS an emergency.

These NEW stripes, they just look like a *marketing message*

Who wins...

5. Branding, Branding, Branding:

This company saw the stripes on the floor as an opportunity:

👉 A new space to show their brand.

I was following instructions like this for the past few months and not once did this idea occur to me 😮

Look at the next photo...

6. Habits Stick:

Have a look at the photo 👀

By now, we are used to waiting behind stripes & lines. It's part of the pandemic.

👉 We saw such stripes dozens of times per day

👉 Now, we see their brand dozens of times per day

But does it REALLY work?

7. Invisible Or Not:

Now here's the question

+ Do the brand stripes become *invisible* when we see them too often?


+ Do we become *more aware* of the brand?

We can't know for sure... The company would need to do research on that 🤓

Maybe it depends on the individual?

8. Opinions:

Time to share our opinions on this.

I don't know if you can tell but these are high-quality stickers on the floor.

And I like the friendlier design, too.

Someone has to pay for this, so I don't mind that they put their logo on it.

What are your thoughts?

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