Happy Juneteenth Fam ✊🏾🖤❤️💚🤎 May today bring your joy and peace and we learn, reflect, and on its meaning. Here’s a quick thread w/things you can do to support and celebrate #JUNETEENTH2020
Check out Box film that details the story of Henry “Box” Brown who packaged and mailed himself in a box to freedom.

They are almost to their funding goal: https://twitter.com/boxedthefilm/status/1273816045791281152?s=21
Juneteenth Celebration in Downtown Detroit
How are you celebrating today? This is by no means an exhaustive list so feel free to share any resources and events to this thread! Be safe and have an amazing day ❤️💚🖤🤎💛✊🏾 #JUNETEENTH2020
You can follow @BrwnGrlGamrCode.
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