Menstrual Cycle is a beautiful process experience by women between the age of 12 & 55 years. So today we will be discussing on MENSTRUAL CYCLE 👇
The menstrual cycle is the regular natural change that occurs in the female reproductive system (specifically the uterus and ovaries) that makes pregnancy possible.
I personally use Cycle Preg Tracker (CPT) to tack my menstrual cycle.
CPT is a Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy Tracker, it has been 100% accurate and easy to use. Android user only (Android Wins this time) download link  &
Menstrual Cycle has four phase
a) Menstrual Phase
b) Follicular Phase
c) Ovulation Phase
d) Luteal Phase
This phase is the commencement of a new menstrual cycle. It is when you see your period (Menstrual Blood Flow)

You see this phase if egg from previous cycle isn't fertilize, which means pregnancy hasn't taking place.
The phase symptoms are
1. Cramps
2. Tender breasts
3. Bloating
4. Mood swings (our men you guyz have to be understanding with this symptoms it is not our doing)
4. Irritability
5. Headache
CPT also collect and stores your daily mood  &
it also starts on the first day of your period (has an overlap with menstrual phase).

At this phase small sacs called the follicles are being produce and those sacs contains immature egg.
Only the healthy egg will eventually mature (on rare occasions, a woman may have two eggs mature). The rest of the follicles are reabsorbed into the body..

The average Follicular Phase last about 16days. It can range from 11 to 27days depending on your cycle.
Ovulation is when your ovary releases a mature egg. The egg travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus to be fertilize by sperm.
The Ovulation Phase is the only time during your menstrual cycle when you can get pregnant.
Sign of Ovulation Includes
a) A slight rise in body temperature
b) Thicker discharge that has the texture of egg whites

Ovulation Occurs right in the middle of your menstrual cycle.
If you have 28 days cycle Ovulation happens around day 14 This period is very important for those that are ready for pregnancy.

Cycle Preg Tracker also tracks your Ovulation day for you and it is very accurate download link  &
If you enjoy this thread go make Cycle Preg Tracker Your new Cycle Tracker 

Its features include
* Menstrual Cycle Tracker
* Pregnancy Tracker
* Ovulation Day Tracker
* Pregnancy Chance Calculation
* Reminder for pills, A particular Menstrual Cycle Day, And different Contraceptive Usage Reminder
* Lots of information on reproduction, pregnancy, women diet, exercise etc.
* Menstrual Cycle Calendar.
And many lots more for you to explore
I remain your sexologist Queen Preshii
You can follow @Queenpreshiii.
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