A little thing I noticed on how important documentation is.

When I put together jest-axe a small library to integrate axe-core with jest.

I put a big disclaimer on it:

"This project does not guarantee what you build is accessible."
"The GDS Accessibility team found that only ~30% of issues are found by automated testing."

"Tools like aXe are similar to code linters such as eslint or stylelint: they can find common issues but cannot guarantee what you build works for users."
"You'll also need to:

- test your interface with the assistive technologies that real users use (see also WebAIM's survey results).
- include disabled people in user research."
They all mention this disclaimer in one way or another.

In the past I've been very much abe simpson shouts at the clouds meme with no impact, but just this extra bit of documentation has made way more impact than me moaning about things on Twitter.
I've been trying to avoid getting angry about things if I don't see any impact and that process of reflecting on why something pisses me off and making the decision to just not bother has definitely helped me.
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