I often use traditional term for my home region, Waawiiyaatanong, for an important reason. @CityWindsorON, the current occupying settler government, has continually been hostile to & aggressively worked to undermine the rich Native history & contemporary culture of the area #YQG
We are well into National Indigenous History Month in Canada and have heard zero from our civic institutions about this. Not once have our elders or community drummers been invited to council. Our reality in this city has been blatantly ignored. #yqg
Their only visible act of embracing any aspect of local Indigenousness was to place a statue of my ancestor, who never lived in Windsor and fought not Canada, but for a state for his people, alongside his white handler. An act of clear appropriation. #yqg
White supremacy is at home in the council chambers and the corporate municipal boardrooms. I experienced with under the employment of the Windsor Public Library. It is unchanged, if not worsened. #YQG
A statement from the city, the mayor, or even a councilor would be a break from tradition they've established over the 200 yrs occupying Three-Fires Territory. Make zero mistake that White Supremacy is very very very much so in charge in this city.
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