Some highlights (in the HK eyes) of @DaliaResearch CEO Nico Jaspers' presentation of the results of this year's Democracy Perception Index at #CDS2020:
[n=124,000 (online-connected respondents from 53 countries]
[The n for individual countries ranges from 1,000 to 3,000]
51% of the respondents from HK say that our gov only serves a minority. Meanwhile, only 13% of the respondents from China - the second lowest figure in this part of the study - think so about their gov.
This composite graph shows the % of respondents agreeing that their country is democratic (red dots) (37% for HK) vs. that democracy is important (blue dots) (64% for HK) on the left, and the Perceived Democratic Deficit, (the difference between the 2 numbers), on the right.
Re the Perceived Democratic Deficit graph above, it is interesting to note that 73% of the Chinese respondents think that their country is democratic, and that 84% say democracy is important. Taiwan tops the chart with the smallest PDD, with high ratings for their own democracy.
45% (the mean for semi-free nations is 44%) of the respondents from HK think that HK isn't democratic enough. Interesting contrast between Taiwan (free) and China (not free) again: 9% of the Taiwanese respondents think that their country isn't democratic enough vs. 10% for China.
On whether the US helps/hurt global democracy, 23% of the respondents from HK rate it positively; the figure has risen by 4% from last year. The figure for China sees the largest proportion (47%) of its respondents rating it negatively: the figure has dropped by 42% from 2019.
55% of the respondents from HK are satisfied with the gov's COVID-19 responses as compared to the global average of 70%. China tops the chart with a 95% satisfaction rate (by their own people).
Looking more closely at the public opinion on governmental COVID responses, comparatively few respondents from HK think the gov has done just the right amount to restrict movement in HK, with more thinking there's rather a deficit. The Chinese are once again largely satisfied.
Most countries think that China has done better than the US in responding to COVID. The column for China is self-explanatory. What's worth noting is those who are the most critical of China's responses are East Asian democracies, HK, Sweden, Denmark and prominent Western powers.
Lastly, 12% more HK respondents agree that the gov's done too much to restrict our freedoms than those who disagree. The reverse is true for Taiwan (with a 21% difference) and China (with a 11% difference). Free, rather than semi/unfree, nations tend to be more split about this.
To conclude, the HK data generally reflect reality of the sentiments here locally in HK. China tends to be the outlier in most areas of the study. Its peculiarity is made starker when compared against Taiwan, which is a democracy with whom China often shares similar patterns.
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