Would you be interested if I explain in Twitter my layout work process of an entire issue? the reasons and intentions behind my storytelling choices?
So, you asked for this and here it is. My explained layout procces for Catwoman #21! I will tweet from time to time as a thread, explaining page by page. But today I’ll began explaining my first rapprochement to the script. Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
There’s not much to say about this page. Starts when issue #20 ended. Badass Catwoman killing the last of zombies and two guards rush towards her. Joëlle’s script suggest 2 panels and I condensed in one credit splash using Catwoman legs as a sort of panel.
Layout process Catwoman#21 pages 02 to 04!!!
I this scene I wanted mirroring Frank Miller’s Electra Lives Again scene at the cemetery. In panel 1 I mirrored the same fight composition, but where FM scene is a gorgeous “death dance” elegantly coreographed, mine should turn in a dirty zombie melee.
So the homage was just the start point, but I was looking for something different, so I added some insets which increased the tension and urgency mood of the scene. Also I moved away the camera progressively going from the fight to a zenithal shot of the final massacre.
Commented Catwoman#21, scene from pages 07 to 11 (1/3)
More of my “annotated” Catwoman #21! (1/3)
There's not much to say about the las pages of Catwoman#21. I looked for a peaceful landing of the story and I used horizontal panels to achieve it.
I've enjoyed a lot drawing desert landscape in last panel. I love draw natural landscapes. I wish I could retire someday to paint landscapes like Bill Watterson! 😅
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