The importance of this day in my opinion is Rivaled by very few in American History. 155 yrs ago today for the 1st time in the HISTORY of America All people of African Descent were seen as Humans. All it took was a LAW being passed & a war being fought for
it to happen. Africans had been here for just short of 246 years before all were considered human. That is a VERY important point. Before 1787 enslaved Africans were seen as Human chattel. After 1787 until 1865 3/5's of a human (3/5ths compromise). This is a Human Rights day.
It is not just about the End of Enslavement but about the Beginning of the Struggle for Human Rights. After Enslavement was LEGAL 2nd class citizenship. Unlike people coming in from Europe Black people couldn't move change their name & blend in give up their heritage & be "White"
Legal 2nd Class citizenship ended in 1964. So when I talk about systemic racism & things like that my perspective is this. Black people have been Legally equal citizens in the United States since July 2nd 1964. Thats just short of 56 years. It doesn't account for the changes in
peoples true feelings just the laws on the books. If you know ANYONE older than 56 they lived in a time where Black people were LEGALLY 2nd class citizens. I celebrate today as the Start of The US living up to her promises & allowing them to apply to the people who made her great
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