To be summed up about trading and what in-particular you need to know:

1) Markets move on data, hard data. Not so much patterns or candles.

2) Working for 1-hour a day and letting the market do the work doesn't exist. #Thread #trading
3) There's no such thing as a ''strategy'', markets change so learn to adapt.

4) Technicals do work, however if you're following patterns and jargon like that forget it. Depth of market really is key, don't underestimate this.
5) Feeds cost money, if you're using a bucket-shop broker the forget it. No one credible will use free sources for data.

6) AUM is key, most are undercapitalised and therefor take on to much risk.

7) Understand hedging.
8) Think you know how to trade? Get x50 the capital and put in x500 more times the effort you're doing, you then may just grasp the basics.

9) And finally, if you insist on being a retail trader do it right, if you play the cliche then forget it.

10) Enjoy your weekend! 😎
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