Hello lovelies, let's talk about Anarcho-primitivism.

Anaprim circles have a big overlap with reactionary, & ecofascist ones.

Ecofascists believe that an authoritarian state, should obligate individuals to sacrifice their interests to nature's.

Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber,
Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch shooter, & Patrick Crusius, the suspect of the El Paso shooting, both identified as ecofascists.

According to anprim, the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural society, gave rise to alienation, stratification, coercion, & overpopulation.
They want to return to the old "uncivilized" ways, through deindustrialization, & the abolition of labour specialization & large-scale organization. 

They use the concept of rewilding, which means to undo domestication, & return culture to a more natural, or wild, state.
Anprims view civilization as the logic, domestication, control, & domination.

Civilization is seen as the root of every oppression, & as an extension, it should be dismantled, or destroyed.

Harold Barclay argues that Anarchy was the order among hunter gatherers 10000 years ago,
but in truth, hierarchy seems to have existed even in the late Paleolithic era.

Lawrence Keely also contests this argument by stating that many tribe-based people, were even more prone to violence than we are.

Wolfi Landstreicher, and Jason McQuinn, post-leftists, have both
criticized the exaggerations of indigenous culture, & their pseudoscientific, utopian romanticism.

In addition, infant mortality was high, & people were subject to disease & hunger - their lives were anything but blissful.

Some have suggested that we generalize all anprims,
but for them, domestication enslaves both the domesticated, & the domesticators.

Which is incorrect, because in reality, humans no longer have to wander, hunt, & gather resources for food.

Also, fewer people could now provide even more food than before.

They've even attacked
mass organization, which is a requirement for the free society struggle.

Furthermore, abandoning technology will have dangerous consequences.

People need treatment, radioactive waste needs to be monitored, & the removal of books, music, etc, would drop the quality of life.
Not to mention that without advanced agriculture, we won't be able to support billions.

This is why we shouldn't destroy the machines that produce efficiently, & cheaply, but control them instead.

That is socialism, a greater combination than the trusts, a greater economic, &
social combination, than any that has ever appeared on this planet.

The idea that technology is catastrophic is a reactionary sentiment, rooted in German Conservatism.

Stalin also hypostasized technology, & the national socialist ideology honored anti technology as well.
The very machines used by the bougies to subjugate the workers, can be used to free them from mindless toil, for more creative, & personally fulfilling, activities.

Capitalism, the commodity relationship, is what produced the environmental crisis of our times, not civilization.
At the same time tho, the glorification of European civilization is an issue, but as Kropotkin argued, the progress of technics has wonderfully simplified all the necessities of life.

In a technologically advanved, post-scarcity society, anarchism & fulfillment, are possible.
This is why I prefer Bookchin's analysis by far.

For Anprims, capitalism & its contradictions are reduced to epiphenomena, without any sort of nuance, or differentiation.

Humanity didn't fall from grace when we built civilization, we actually achieved it for the first time.
Imagination united with reason, is the mother of all civilizations, & the source of their wonders.

Ironically, the world idealized by primitivists, would actually preclude the radical individualism of Max Stirner. 

Social ecology has nothing to do with anarcho-primitivism,
or with his authoritarian twin, ecofascism.

The actualization towards revolution, won't happen by trying to revert people back, nor by keeping them stuck in a never-ending present.

Libertarian communism, or anarchocommunism, will be found through fulfillment.
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