Besides the obvious political bias, this is how anarcho-tyranny works. Enforcing law against violent demonstrators is hard. Cracking down on peaceful law-abiding people with jobs, families, and reputations to worry about is easy. Velvet gloves for some, mailed fist for others.
This will scale up if the Democrats win in 2020 and anarcho-tyranny spreads from coast to coast. Abolish the police and the inner cities will become lawless war zones, but out in the heartland, you'll feel a heavier burden of laws, micromanagement, and enforcement than ever.
In this toxic blend, anarchy is weaponized to serve the ends of tyrants. Violent crime keeps the law-abiding fearful, subdued, and more obedient to the ever-increasing demands of the elite. Thieves and murderers will run free, but God help those who defy climate change mandates.
Another important goal is to keep productive taxpaying citizens from organizing to defend their interests. The Left's grand objective, the checkmate move, is the destruction of the American middle class. You're watching their shock troops implement Phase One of the final attack.
The goal is to make middle-class working Americans feel frightened, desperate for a strong government to save them, and above all ALONE. That's what all of this is about right now: breaking up the Silent Majority into quiet little solitary confinement cells.
The goal in every way is to make the normal feel abnormal, make the majority feel powerless and hunted. Everywhere you look, your values and beliefs are under attack, often violently. You could lose your job for speaking out, and you'd be throttled on social media anyway.
So when the "Abolish the Police" crowd comes to YOUR door with an army of enforcers - to micromanage your life and business, seize your property, and force compliance with their social agenda - you won't be "resisting," and no one will dare to applaud if you do.
Power is always a limited resource, even under authoritarian regimes. It's much easier to exercise against law-abiding people with plenty to lose. An ounce of power exercised against them produces a pound of COMPLIANCE. The opposite is true in the Left's lawless urban hellholes.
Notice that no Democrat sympathetic to "Abolish the Police" is even SLIGHTLY interested in reducing the size and power of government, not one little bit. Their agenda still calls for increasing the State and shrinking the private sector by an order of magnitude.
Under the Democrat vision, there will be no police, but there will be enforcers everywhere. They aren't interested in protecting YOU from crime, or even allowing you to protect yourself, but they WILL use extreme force to protect their own interests and enforce their agenda.
The elite uses law enforcement to advance its interests, not protect the populace. Their allies get special exemptions from the growing burden of law. YOU'RE still under lockdown, YOU have curfews, YOU can't speak freely, but their allies are uncountable and uncontrollable.
And if you want a little protection, a little consideration... well, you know what to do: Get on your knees. Repeat the slogans. Make the proper gestures of submission and keep your social credit score clean. You'd better learn to THINK right. Every little slip will be tabulated.
When people live that way, how can they ever resist, network, or organize for change? How will they ever remember they were giants once, how will they ever realize they vastly outnumber the militant few who rule them? That's not the future - it's happening RIGHT NOW. /end
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