What Lasch observes in The Culture of Narcissism is that the loss of the personal life leads to a retreat into privatism, endured under conditions of material plenty, that forecloses on the possibility of meaningful political cooperation.
Pitched ideological battle is a holograph projection of politics that serves a class system seeking to armor itself against threats by providing amusements for a ruined inner life.
The social and psychological critique in the Culture of Narcissism directly anticipates the Revolt.
"The psychological man of the twentieth century seeks neither individual self-aggrandizement nor spiritual transcendence..."
Palace coups and intra-elite competitions are being carried out under the mantle of uprisings by the oppressed. When street protest is instantaneously rendered as a power exchange at Bon Appetite magazine, it forecloses on real political change.
Freudian psychoanalytic language does a lot of work for Lasch, often as a not entirely convincing surrogate for a religious ontology, but it gives him a grounding from which to observe the border between the individual and the society, between ideology and politics.
Most political observers lack this grounding.
"Bureaucracy transforms collective grievances into personal problems amenable to therapeutic intervention"

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