#BoR (Book of Remembrance)
Today's #BoR is a breakdown of this Interview by
@NTANewsNow with Hon Min @hadisirika

An account of His Stewardship of the Aviation sector #5YearsOfProgress of Baba @MBuhari

The Interesting thing is another guest on the programme observed that Hon @HadiSirika reeled of what he said off hand.....

That shows clarity of thought!

A mind consumed with the project at hand!

Why is the Aviation sector important to our growth as a Nation?

A) It is our gateway to International Commerce,Tourism,and myriads of other Projects that can earn us Foreign Currency.
How does that affect the average Nigerian?

Earning foreign Currency

Boosts the Naira I.e it adds value to the Naira.
Meaning you can pay less for more...

I am deliberately breaking it down so that you Darling #GreatPatriot can use it to "clear doubts" of the Thomas's out there.

When they ask nah airport we go chop
5) The Hon Min @hadisirika had a Roadmap from start and it was

i) Concession of Airports---
So that Entrepreneurs with Ideas of How an airport should be run, not just for landing & taking off, but as a Biz Hub for commercial activities can step in

Of what Advantage will this be ?

A) It will make the 30days make a month pay collectors who work or not sit up to earn an honest living

B) It will reduce F.G's financial burden

C) It will help F.G focus on key areas in aviation without the burden of mismanaged Airports

D) We will have them "tush" up our Airports to international standards!

Permit me to show you a few pictures of PH Airport in the days of plenty a.k.a PDP Administration

Courtesy @3bood021


This was P.H international Airport in the days of yore
A few Kelebes (Celebrities couldn't stop talking about it being the worst airport including showing the world)

You know what is sad ?😭

When it was improved to this 👇

Most of them went quiet!

This is painful & Sad! Why?

They have the platform/ffg to sell NG to the world
9) Should God forgive or Punish these Kelebes ?
May God forgive them🙏

The Hon Minister @hadisirika also spoke about the National Carrier

Nigerians whether we choose to accept it or not the death of Nigerian Airways has grossly affected us as a Nation

10) How can a Nation of about 200 Million not have a National carrier?

Kenya ,S.A,Rwanda are they from Mars why are their carriers functional and ours not?

All the "?" money pushed into Aviation one breakdown money gone, finito!

11) Why cant we take Nigerian Airways to Dubai,Canada,S.A e.t.c

And Spend our money for our improvements

I.e Use Nigerian earned money to build Nigerian owned Businesses?

12) Shall we digest these☝ While I prepare a podcast because if I continue to see this thread it may enter 100yards oh

But if you insist I continue #GreatPatriot (s) I shall

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